Saturday 19 May 2012



           There is a great saying “The happiest hours seems us a second, every disgusted seconds seems to be an very long hours. Now ‘m at the end of my Engineering life , I don’t know how fast those 4 years were lapsed..
My Engineering College is SRI SIDDHARTHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY situated in city of Tumkur in Karnataka state. Entering this college itself was a big drama... Scoring less marks  in PU ,then Scoring good marks in CET examination lead me take some seat in engineering . I opted INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING  branch  which I hate most and even the college was not of my like.
My SSIT is not bad and I can’t say it’s too good, but by entering the college I decided that my next college for PG should be atleast an NIT.


        As I got admitted to the SSIT , they allotted be a B’sec in scholar building n the room no was 206 , the strange thing was I was only ISE guy in that sec , it was full with all mech boys n a single girl, other two cse guys also accompanied me, but 10 days latter, I was sent back to C sec which was an ISE Sec of room no 205,
First day at C sec I sat beside my PU friend kiran along with another local tumkur guy Sumanth, those both were fond of computer gaming( they even kept their college library card in a CD shop to get the game cd) , kiran was from cse ,so left the class, now me sumanth and found a common friend us called Shashi , a short n sweet guy.
1st sem was just the full of C programming, Mechanical, Electrical, physics and most importantly the labs like mechanical workshop, physics lab ccp .
Apart from that met very interesting characters. like aravind (talented but lazy guy) Raghu ram( dual personality) hemanth (rough n tough) n many others .but these lads made my small group.
Ended my 1st sem of engineering just by scratching my head who all suits me best, who will travel along with me throughout my life( at least engineering life)
Finally decided it would be me shashi, sumant, raghu  n hemanth.. but it took no time to prove that  some of my judgment was  wrong, in 2nd sem I was clear with my selection.. 


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